The particular interest in this movement of the cosmic process—polarization—is that it is infinitely repeated on every level and in every creative effort. It represents one of the keys by which we open the book of nature and read her secrets. If our psychiatrists would study long and deeply into this first movement, accept it as an invariant force or power in nature (and for them, human nature), the basis for understanding most abnormal psychological cases, the schizoid states of over fifty percent of the population of these United States, etc., would become established. I am of the opinion that when the true story is written about “the decline and fall of the West” and the main cause therefore developed, it will center on the loss of clear perception of this one great and fundamental fact of nature. This dichotomy or polarization, repeated at the inception of every creative effort, is called the most fundamental of all life-facts and if the loss of understanding or clear perception of it represents the primary cause for the decline and fall, then we have a most striking case in point for the statement that if we do not learn to deal with life-facts, they will most assuredly deal with us. However, the life-fact that every dynamic configuration is, by reason of that dichotomy, has become well established. If one exception can be found, the invariant law will be overthrown. The whole cosmos and every aspect thereof from atom to galaxy exhibits this meaning. So one of the prerequisites to entering into knowledge or to reading the book is learning to perceive this fact in each and every ‘thing’. Generally speaking, the emphasis on this first movement—dichotomy—is placed upon the inceptive phase of a new creative effort, even designating it as the incentive of the effort. There is another aspect of equal importance in regard to understanding
events, effects, manifestations, etc. In olden times this other aspect was cryptically called The Truce of God.Today it is spoken of as the withdrawal of the sanction, which simply means the cessation of polarity or dichotomy. These two aspects of the law can be labeled the positive and negative phases of it. Wherever there is peace, harmony, constructive or creative activity, etc., polarity between the Positive Power and Negative Substance, or representations thereof, continues. Wherever inharmony, destruction, turmoil, etc., reigns, there the dichotomy has ceased or decreased. Chaos will continue until in or on that particular level, or relative to that definite field, until another incentive for cosmos (creativity) emerges. When this process of conversion of chaos into cosmos is seen from the Mind level, it appears as a change in state. To describe this in conceptual terms, fields, patterns, configurations as representations, etc., one field withdraws and a new field comes in, incarnates. Instead of using the label field, symbolized as one turn on a helix, let us use the term spirit as a synonym. When the cyclic process (work of the spirit, operating on a given level) has finished, it withdraws and a spirit operating on a higher level takes over. But this change on the high-command level produces a complete reorientation of configurated constituents on the representation level. The new boss (spirit) has his own ideas (pattern of the lines of force of the field) and has to reorganize the personnel under his command accordingly. When this change in command takes place on a level wherein the constituents are in varying degrees of acquiring consciousness and are therefore conscious, but not as yet sufficiently conscious to really know what is going on, they see nothing except chaos and they call it chaos. They regret the ‘loss’of the old order, fight for “our way of life,” and generally make the reorientation process far more chaotic than is necessary. While all this confusion is going on with and among the configurated constituents, the high command sees it very simply, and if he would label it he would call it reorganization for a picturing forth of a higher order in a greater process of creating a “new Heaven and a new Earth.” However, he has an ancient enemy which he has to keep an eye on. He welcomes all the help he can get in dealing with this enemy. Organized forces of darkness on a lower level than the one upon which the organizing spirit works lie in wait for, or seize upon every opportunity to thwart extension of Powers of Light into the lower levels. (The reason for this fierce, fiery, and deadly resistance is obvious. The sense of possession, love of, or desire for temporal power and occupation of habitations not rightfully owned are defended. But control of the lower levels fortified by elemental forces on the descending or involutionary arc—and this on a vast and far reaching scale—represents the main reason.) Achange in command, at the close of one cycle and the beginning of another, with attendant confusion on the configurated constituents, affords an opportunity for the enemy to get in some good licks and perhaps regain some lost advantages. Do not expect me to explain why when I tell you that upon several occasions in the past this devilish method has been successful and the spirit has been forced to retreat. However, the spirit knows this enemy and while the reorganization process is under way, he has to exercise considerable force to allow his enemy to function and serve
just enough to expiate the karma of the old cycle and not enough to gain control of the new configuration. If you will be attentive to effectsof these events on the objective or contemporary historical level, you will be able to piece the jigs of the puzzle together and infer the game and read the score. Straw-like stems of dead grass can indicate the way a wind is blowing; watch for these indications. No truce has been declared, nor is one possible, in the age-old war between the forces of Light and the forces of darkness for the control of the lower levels. When the cosmic process has been explained, given, or described exclusively from or relative to the Logoic level and in terms of Logoic consciousness and its states of Self-awareness, to many it does not seem possible that there could be an enemy or forces of darkness opposing its representations. The enigma which appears to those loyal ones is more in the nature of puzzlement in their own respective minds transferred to the cosmic process, for the basis of the confusion in clear perception is found in trying to evaluate cosmos from the objective manifold of values.
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